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引用本文:苏小记,王雅丽,魏 静,黄崇春,刘艾英,李 淑,梁自静,袁会珠.9种植保机械防治小麦穗蚜的农药沉积率与效果比较[J].西北农业学报,2018,27(1):149~154
摘要点击次数: 1330
全文下载次数: 116
苏小记,王雅丽,魏 静,黄崇春,刘艾英,李 淑,梁自静,袁会珠 (1.陕西省植物保护工作总站西安 7100032. 中国农业科学院 植物保护研究所北京 1001933. 渭南市农业技术推广中心陕西渭南 714000) 
中文关键词:植保机械  农药沉积率  防治效果
Pesticide Deposition Percentage and Control Effect of Nine Kinds of Crop Protection Machineries against Wheat Aphid
Abstract:In order to study the control effect of common crop protection machineries, the effective deposition rate and control effect of 9 kinds of crop protection machineries were measured for controlling wheat aphids by droplet deposition distribution, droplet size detection, field investigation and so on. The results showed that the electric sprayer, the knapsack motor sprayer and the self-propelled sprayer could achieve the high effective deposition percentage, and its deposition rate reached by 51.4%-63.7%. The control effect of the single rotary wing unmanned aircraft and ground crop protection machinery reached to 80%, it was better than other aviation crop protection machinery;a self-propelled boom sprayer was suitable for large area in traditional specialized control. The low altitude and low volume spray drift prevention technologies, study on special pesticide adjuvant and pesticide formulation should be intensified.
keywords:Crop protection machinery  Pesticide efficiency  Control effect
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