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引用本文:苟丽琼,景祝蓉,邓冬梅,朱万强,肖玖金,张 健.猕猴桃复合种植对土壤动物群落特征的影响[J].西北农业学报,2018,27(10):1485~1491
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苟丽琼,景祝蓉,邓冬梅,朱万强,肖玖金,张 健 (1.四川农业大学 理学院,四川雅安 625014 2.四川农业大学 旅游学院,四川都江堰 611830 3.四川省都江堰市农村发展局,成都 611830 4. 四川农业大学 生态林业研究所,四川温江 6111305.四川农业大学 林学院,四川温江 611130) 
中文摘要:为了解猕猴桃多样性种植(果-豆、果-蔬、果-草、果-荒)下土壤动物群落结构特征。采用手捡法和干、湿生漏斗法,对4种猕猴桃复合种植模式下的土壤动物群落进行调查。结果表明,试验共捕获土壤动物2 719只,隶属4门8纲11目45类群,土壤动物平均密度以果-豆最高,果-荒最低;类群数以果-草最高,果-蔬与果-豆次之,果-荒最少。果-草与果-荒模式下土壤动物多样性指数和均匀性指数均优于果-蔬和果-豆模式,优势度指数则相反,表明猕猴桃与农作物复合种植受到耕作活动的干扰。优势度指数的最低值和密度-类群指数的最高值均出现在果-草模式,表明果-草模式由于受较少人为干扰和较高的地表覆盖,拥有较高的土壤动物多样性和均匀度。
中文关键词:猕猴桃  复合种植  土壤动物  群落特征
Effects of Different Cropping Modes on Soil Fauna Community Characteristics in Kiwi (Actinidia chinensis Planch.) Orchard
Abstract:This study focuses on the effects of multiple cropping on the community structure of soil fauna in kiwi fruit (Actinidia chinensis) plantation. Soil fauna were studied in four different multiple cropping (Kiwi-Soybean,Kiwi-Cabbage,Kiwi-Grass and Kiwi-Wasteland) with four layers (herb,0-5 cm,5-10 cm and 10-15 cm) in the Kiwi fruit plantation.The results showed that a total of 2 719 individuals of soil fauna,belonging to 4 phyla,8 classes,11 orders and 45 groups,were collected. The highest density of total species was in Kiwi-Soybean mode and lowest density was in Kiwi-Wasteland mode. The highest and lowest group numbers were found in Kiwi-Grass and Kiwi-Wasteland multiple cropping modes,respectively.Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou index that were found in Kiwi-Cabbage and Kiwi-Soybean multiple cropping modes were lower than in Kiwi-Grass and Kiwi-Wasteland multiple cropping modes,showing that Kiwi-Cabbage and Kiwi-Soybean modes were affected by disturbance from farming activity. The lowest Simpson index and highest Density-groups index were found in Kiwi-Grass and indicating that stability was lower in the rest of three ecosystems. The Kiwi-Grass mode was a species-rich region with highest species diversity and evenness index due to the variety of ground cover and less human interference.
keywords:Kiwi orchard  Multiple cropping systems  Soil fauna  Characteristics of community
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