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唐光木,侯艳艳,潘金龙,张云舒,马海刚,徐万里 (1.新疆农业科学院 土壤肥料与农业节水研究所乌鲁木齐 830091 2.中国农业大学 土地科学与技术学院北京 1001933.新疆农业大学 草业与环境科学学院乌鲁木齐 830052) 
中文摘要:探讨棉花根系不同根径形态特性及生理代谢对棉杆生物炭施用的响应,为棉花高产高效生产提供理论支撑。为此,以棉花为研究对象,棉杆生物炭为试验材料,在灰漠土和风沙土两种质地土壤上,选择常规施肥、常规施肥+22.5×10 kg/hm2棉杆生物炭和常规施肥+45.0×10 kg/hm2棉杆生物炭3个处理,探讨棉杆生物炭对棉花根形态特征以及根系吲哚乙酸、丙二醛(MDA)和过氧化氢酶活性等生理指标的影响。结果表明:添加棉杆生物炭促进棉花生长和产量的增加,棉花株高较常规施肥处理显著提高9.02%~14.02%,棉花产量提高5.70%~7.71%,但差异不显著;添加过量的棉杆生物炭(45.0×10 kg/hm2)则抑制风沙土中棉花地下部生物量和产量的提升;棉杆生物炭添加提高灰漠土中棉花细根根长、根表面积和根体积,其较常规施肥处理分别提高7.80%~32.60%、100.00%~111.11%和83.87%~129.03%,降低了风沙土中棉花中根、粗根的根长和根表面积;棉杆生物炭添加显著提高了棉花根系中过氧化氢酶活性,与常规施肥处理相比,灰漠土中根系过氧化氢酶活性提高194%~423%,风沙土中提高155%(22.5×10 kg/hm2)。棉杆生物炭添加促进了棉花株高和细根的生长,有利于棉花根系形态构建,棉杆生物炭添加提高棉花根系过氧化氢酶活性,使棉花根系细胞免于过氧化氢的毒害,从而促进根系对水肥的吸收利用和棉花产量的提高,同时棉杆生物炭添加对灰漠土的影响作用大于风沙土。
中文关键词:生物炭  棉花  根系  生长素  生理特性
Effect of Cotton Stalk-char on Root Characteristics and Physiological Metabolismin Cotton
Abstract:The effect of cotton stalk-char on the morphological characteristics and physiological metabolism of different diameters root in cotton was studied in this paper,which will provide a theoretical support for high-yield and high-efficiency cotton production. Taking cotton as the research object and cotton stalk-char as experimental material,three treatments,including conventional fertilization,conventional fertilization + 22.5×10 kg/hm2 of cotton stalk-char,and conventional fertilization +45.0×10 kg/hm2 of cotton stalk-char,were setup in this experiment,so as to study the effect of cotton stalk-char on the cotton physiological indexes such as morphological characteristics,indoleacetic acid,malon dialdehyde and catalase activity in cotton roots.The addition of cotton stalk-char promoted the increase of cotton growth and yield. Compared with the conventional fertilization treatment,the plant height of the cotton significantly increased by 9.02%-14.02%,and the cotton yield increased by 5.70%-7.71%,but the difference was not significant;however,underground part and yield were suppressed with excessive addition of cotton stalk-char (45.0×10 kg/hm2)in sandy soil.Length,area and volume in fine root of cotton increased by 7.80%-32.60%,100.00%-111.11% and 83.87%-129.03% respectively in the grey desert soil under the addition of cotton stalk-char compared with the conventional fertilization treatment.The catalase activity increased by 194%-423% in grey desert soil,and by 155% in sandy soil(22.5×10 kg/hm2),but addition of cotton stalk-char damaged the medium and coarse root length and surfacein sandy soil.The addition of cotton stalk-char increased the height of cotton plant and the growth of cotton fine roots,which was conducive to the formation of cotton root morphology. The addition of cotton stalk-char increased the catalase activity of cotton roots and protected cotton root cells from hydrogen peroxide,so the absorption and utilization of water and fertilizer were promoted by the root system, and the cotton yield was increased. At the same time,the effect of cotton stalk-char addition on gray desert soil was greater than that in windy sand soil.
keywords:Biochar  Cotton  Root  Auxin  Physiological characteristics
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主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部 主办单位:西北农林科技大学,甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆农(林)业科学院,青海、新疆畜牧(兽医)科学院及新疆农垦科学院 地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号大铁10号信箱
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