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引用本文:李佳纯,杨冠宇,王 斐,张艳杰,马 力,欧春青,姜淑苓.梨矮生优系的筛选及其作中间砧对‘早酥’梨幼树生长发育的影响[J].西北农业学报,2022,(8):998~1007
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李佳纯,杨冠宇,王 斐,张艳杰,马 力,欧春青,姜淑苓 (中国农业科学院 果树研究所农业农村部园艺作物种质资源利用重点实验室辽宁兴城 125100) 
中文摘要:为了选育优良梨矮化砧木,丰富梨矮化砧木资源,采用杂交育种的方式,从杂交后代中筛选出34个矮生单株,通过调查矮生单株及其作中间砧嫁接的‘早酥’的生长情况,对34个单株的矮生性状和作中间砧的矮化效果及二者间的相关性进行鉴定评价。结果表明,供试34个株系多表现为植株矮化、基茎粗度小和节间长度短等特点,7个株系的矮壮参数小于119,被鉴定为紧凑型株型;供试34个株系作中间砧对‘早酥’的生长均有一定的抑制作用,其中,4个株系的矮化效果小于60%,被评价为矮化砧木,11个株系的矮化效果在60%~80%之间,被评价为半矮化砧木;筛选出的15个具有明显矮化效果的砧木中,5个显著增加2 a生‘早酥’梨的短枝比例;砧木1 a生植株的株高、基茎粗度、节间长度和矮壮参数等指标与接穗的株高、干截面积和节间长度等生长指标都密切相关,可以作为梨矮化砧木的前期预选指标。
中文关键词:  砧木  矮化  杂交优系  砧木评价
Effect of Screening of Pear Dwarf Strains and Pear Dwarf Strains as Inter-stock on Growth and Development of Young Trees of ‘Zaosu’ Pear
Abstract:To breed excellent pear dwarfing rootstocks and enrich the pear dwarfing rootstock resources,34 dwarf pear strains were selected from the hybrid progenies in this study. As inter-stock,the dwarf characteristic,dwarfing effect and character correlations between inter-stocks and scions were evaluated by investigating the growth and development of the 34 dwarf strains and the ‘Zaosu’ scions. The results showed that most of the 34 strains were characterized with dwarf,thin stem and short inter-node length,and the dwarf and strong index in 7 of the 34 strains was less than 119,which was identified as compact type. All of the 34 strains used as inter-stock had an inhibitory effect on the growth of ‘Zaosu’ scions. 4 of the strains were evaluated as dwarfing rootstocks the dwarfing degree was lower than 60%.,and 11 of the strains were evaluated as semi-dwarfing rootstocks,the dwarfing degree were between 60% and 80%. Among the selected 15 inter-stocks which had significant dwarfing effect on scion,5 inter-stocks significantly increased the percentage of short shoots of two years old ‘Zaosu’ plant. The plant height,basal stem thickness,inter-node length and dwarf-strong index of one year old rootstocks were significantly correlated with the plant height,trunk cross-sectional area and inter-node length of the scion,and this would be used as the pre-selecting parameters for dwarfing pear rootstock.
keywords:Pear  Inter-stock  Dwarfing  Superior hybrid strains  Rootstock evaluation
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