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引用本文:蔡瑛婕,郭 瞳,周 洁,张慧雅,张建勤.基于KASP技术快速检测略阳乌鸡MSTNKLF7基因SNP及其与体质量性状关联性分析[J].西北农业学报,2024,(8):1399~1406
摘要点击次数: 641
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蔡瑛婕,郭 瞳,周 洁,张慧雅,张建勤 (西北农林科技大学 动物科技学院陕西杨凌 712100) 
基金项目:2023畜禽新品种培育 略阳鸡(K3031223079)。
中文摘要:为高效、低成本对略阳乌鸡SNP变异位点进行准确分型并评价其选育效果,采用KASP技术对略阳乌鸡群体MSTN基因外显子1的g.233A>G位点和KLF7基因内含子2的g.1022C>T位点,进行连续四个世代SNP多态分析。结果显示:MSTN基因检测到AA、AG、GG 3种基因型,KLF7基因检测到CC、CT、TT 3种基因型;两个位点均为中度多态,MSTN基因位点P1代、KLF7基因位点P3和P7代偏离Hardy Weinberg遗传平衡状态,其余各代均处于平衡状态;体质量与多态位点关联分析表明,MSTN基因位点AA型体质量显著高于AG和GG型,KLF7基因位点杂合型体质量显著高于纯和型,且体质量性状随世代显著提高(P<0.05),研究结果表明经过世代选育后略阳乌鸡体质量性状选育效果显著,同时表明两个位点均可以作为略阳乌鸡肉用性状选育的有效选择位点。
中文关键词:KASP技术  MSTN  KLF7  关联分析  体质量性状选育
Rapid Detection of SNPs in MSTNand KLF7 Genes in Lueyang Black bone Chickens and Their Correlation with Body Mass Traits Based on KASP Technique
Abstract:To accurately identify SNP sites and evaluate their application in the breeding effect of Lueyang black bone chickens efficiently and cost effectively,KASP technology was used to analyze the SNPs in the first exon of MSTN gene (g.233A>G) and the second intron of KLF7 gene (g.1022C>T) in the population of Lueyang black bone chickens over four generations (P1,P3,P5,and P7).The results showed that AA,AG,and GG genotypes were detected in the MSTN gene,CC,CT and TT genotypes were found in KLF7 gene.The SNPs in MSTN gene in P1 and KLF7 gene in P3 and P7 deviated from the Hardy Weinberg genetic equilibrium,while they were in equilibrium in the other generations.The association analysis between body mass and SNPs showed that chickens with AA genotype in MSTN had significantly higher body mass than those with AG and GG genotypes,the individuals with heterozygous SNP in KLF7 had higher body mass than those with homozygous genotype.The body mass trait increased significantly after generations of breeding (P<0.05).The results suggest that both SNP loci can be used for body mass trait selection in breeding Lueyang black bone chickens.
keywords:KASP technology  MSTN  KLF7  Correlation analysis  Selection for body mass traits
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