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引用本文:张晓煜,王仕鹏,曹昆山,李旭婧,叶 晗,李小玉,汪 奎,方玉川,刘柏林.基于表型性状与SSR标记的马铃薯种质资源遗传多样性研究[J].西北农业学报,2024,(8):1436~1447
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张晓煜,王仕鹏,曹昆山,李旭婧,叶 晗,李小玉,汪 奎,方玉川,刘柏林 (1.西北农林科技大学 农学院陕西杨凌 712100 2.榆林市农业科学研究院陕西榆林 719053) 
基金项目:陕西省重点研发计划项目(2018ZDCXL NY 03 03,2022NY 174);榆林市科技计划项目(CXY 2022 168);西北农林科技大学试验示范站(基地)科技创新与成果转化项目(TGZX2021 12)。
中文摘要:为明确176份马铃薯种质资源的遗传多样性,利用24个表型性状和16个SSR标记进行遗传多样性分析。24个表型性状的变异系数区间为10.20%~72.75%,平均为35.50%;多样性指数区间为0.18~ 0.77,平均为0.50;根据24个表型性状,对176份马铃薯品种(系)以非加权组平均法(unweighted pair group method analysis,UPGMA)进行聚类分析。结果表明,所有品种(系)可被分为7组,大部分品种(系)聚集在A组和C组。16个SSR引物在176份材料中共扩增出91个多态性位点,多态性比率为94.8%。SSR聚类结果表明,176份马铃薯材料被聚为8类。表型性状聚类与SSR聚类结果均表明,从同一地区引进的马铃薯材料亲缘关系相近,遗传差异较小。结合本试验结果与前人研究,进一步确定引物S25、S151、S174和S189可高效区分不同马铃薯种质资源,在今后借助分子育种手段以区分马铃薯种质资源遗传多样性的过程中可优先选择使用。研究表明,部分马铃薯材料的表型性状与SSR标记聚类结果在类群划分具有一致性,表型性状的差异在一定程度上能真实反映基因水平的差异,但表型性状不能从本质上反映马铃薯种质资源的遗传背景差异,因此在评价马铃薯遗传多样性时应当以SSR分子标记为主,表型性状分析为辅,二者结合用于评价马铃薯种质资源遗传多样性。本研究为马铃薯种质创新和遗传改良提供了参考依据。
中文关键词:马铃薯  表型性状  SSR  遗传多样性
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Potato Germplasm Resources Based on Phenotypic Traits and SSR Markers
Abstract:Potato is the fourth most largest food crop,and the genetic diversity of potato germplasm resources is the foundation for innovation in potato germplasm.To determine the genetic diversity of 176 genotypes(accessions and varieties) of potato germplasm,genetic diversity analysis was conducted using 24 phenotypic traits and 16 pairs of SSR markers.The coefficients of variation for the phenotypic variation of 24 traits in the 176 genotypes ranged from 10.20% to 72.75%,with an average of 35.50%.The diversity indices ranged from 0.18 to 0.77,with an average of 0.50.Using unweighted pair group method analysis(UPGMA) based on the 24 phenotypic traits,176 accessions and varieties were classified into seven groups,with the majority of the genotypes clustering in Groups A and C.A total of 91 polymorphic loci were amplified by the 16 pairs of SSR primers in the 176 genotypes,with a polymorphism rate of 94.8%.Both the phenotypic and SSR clustering results indicated that the potato genotypes collected from the same region were more closely related genetically than collections from different regions.Primer pairs S25,S151,S174 and S189 are effective in distinguishing most of the accessions and varieties,suggesting that these SSR primers can also be used preferentially when characterizing the genetic diversity of other germplasm resources.Even though phenotypic traits can reflect genetic differences to a certain degree,genetic diversity analysis of potato germplasm should use DNA markers in addition to phenotypic characterization.The genetic diversity and the relationship among the 176 cultivars determined by this study can be highly valuble for the anagement,enhancement and breeding of potato germplasm.
keywords:Potato  Phenotypic traits  SSR marker  Genetic diversity
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