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引用本文:吕增帅,肖陈燕,王 鹏,董红业,柳延涛,段 维,刘胜利.基于AMMI模型和GGE双标图在油葵区试中的应用[J].西北农业学报,2024,(11):2048~2058
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吕增帅,肖陈燕,王 鹏,董红业,柳延涛,段 维,刘胜利 (1.新疆农垦科学院作物研究所新疆石河子 832000 2.林芝职业技术学院西藏林芝 860000) 
中文摘要:选取15个参试油葵品种于2022年在全国的13个区试点开展基因型(G)与环境(E)相互作用试验,并利用基于R语言的AMMI 模型和GGE双标图方法,分析品种的适应性、稳产性,及参试地点的代表性。研究结果表明,环境、基因型和基因型-环境相互作用(GEI)可解释油葵产量变异的89.57% ,其中环境对产量变异贡献最大,达到71.61%,基因型、GEI分别可解释4.06%、13.89%的产量变异。综合分析AMMI模型、综合排名和GGE双标图结果显示,‘S606’‘赤SY82’‘NLY002’‘LJ198’等4个品种适应性好,稳产性强,具有较好的推广应用价值。参试点景泰、永宁、乌鲁木齐对参试品种具有较好的区分力且代表性强,是较为理想的参试点。AMMI模型与GGE双标图的联合运用,可为油葵新品种选育、试点评价、布局推广提供科学指导和理论依据。
中文关键词:油葵  AMMI模型  GGE双标图  品种适应性
Application of AMMI Model and GGE Biplot in Oil Sunflower Region Trials
Abstract:In 2022,an analysis was conducted on the yield characteristics of the tested varieties and the reliability of the region trial sites in the regional trial.The genotype (G) and environment (E) interaction test of 15 varieties were conducted in 13 region trial sites in China,and the adaptability and stability of the tested varieties,as well as the representativeness of the region trial sites,were analyzed using AMMI model based on R language and GGE biplot method.The results showed that the E,G and genotype-environment interaction (GEI) could explain 89.57 % of the yield variation,with E contributing the most to the yield variation (reaching to 71.61%).The G and GEI could explain 4.06% and 13.89% of yield variation,respectively.On the other hand,the ‘S606’‘Chisy82’‘NLY002’ and ‘LJ198’ varieties exhibited good adaptability,strong stability and good application value based on the comprehensive analysis results of AMMI model,comprehensive ranking and GGE biplot.Jingtai,Yongning and Urumqi are the ideal region trial sites,where the discrimination and strong representativeness of the tested varieties were better in other region trial sites.The combined application of AMMI model and GGE biplot provides scientific guidance and a theoretical basis for breeding,pilot evaluation,distribution and extension of new oil sunflower varieties.
keywords:Oil sunflower  AMMI model  GGE biplot  Variety adaptability
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