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郭凯璐,陈宇峰,包建平 (1.塔里木大学 园艺与林学学院新疆阿拉尔 8433002.新疆生产建设兵团塔里木盆地生物资源保护利用重点实验室新疆阿拉尔 8433003.南疆特色果树高效优质栽培与深加工技术国家地方联合工程实验室新疆阿拉尔 843300) 
中文摘要:为研究生产中灌溉方式不科学造成果皮粗糙的问题,以5 a生主干形香梨为试验材料,在不同时期采用滴灌、沟灌、漫灌3种不同灌溉处理,通过调查香梨粗皮果发生量与发生部位;制作石蜡切片观察石细胞团形状和分布、计算石细胞团密度和直径及果皮厚度;测量香梨的叶片含水量,比较其对香梨果皮发育的影响,筛选出1种可以促进果皮正常发育的灌溉时期和灌溉方式。结果表明,对其发生部位的影响中,不同灌溉处理后香梨树体内膛部分及粗度<1 cm的枝条上粗皮果发生量较大,短果枝及粗度>1 cm的枝条上粗皮果发生量较小,滴灌处理能够减少香梨树的粗皮果发生量。对果皮显微结构的影响中,随着果实的发育,石细胞团直径逐渐增加,滴灌处理后的石细胞团增加幅度较大,石细胞密度较小,漫灌处理后果皮的石细胞直径增加幅度较小,但石细胞密度较大,相较于沟灌和漫灌处理,滴灌处理的香梨果皮更薄。对叶片含水量的影响中,经过滴灌处理的香梨叶片含水量更高,漫灌处理的叶片含水量最低。通过隶属函数进行综合排名发现:在盛花期后、幼果发育期以及果实膨大期进行滴灌处理能够使果皮更光滑,石细胞团密度更低、直径更小,团间薄壁细胞排列更加整齐。
中文关键词:香梨  灌溉时期  灌溉方式  果皮发育
Effects of Different Irrigation Periods and Methods on Development of Fragrant Pear Peel
Abstract:To solve the problem of rough peel resulting from inadequate irrigation practices in production,we conducted experiments using 5-year-old trunk-shaped Fragrant Pear trees.Three different irrigation treatments (drip irrigation,furrow irrigation and flood irrigation) in different periods were used at different stages.Paraffin sections were prepared to observe the shape and distribution of stone cell mass,and measurements were taken for their density,diameter and peel thickness.We measured the leaf water content of Fragrant Pear trees and compared its effect on the peel development.Through this comparative analysis,we identified an irrigation period and method conductive to promoting the normal development of the pericarp.The results showed that the occurrence of coarse peel fruit was more significant on the inner part of the Fragrant Pear tree and the branches with a thickness of <1 cm under different irrigation treatments.and there was a reduced occurrence of coarse peel fruit on 1 cm shoots,particularly with drip irrigation treatment.Among the effects on the microstructure of the pericarp during the fruit development,the diameter of stone cell mass gradually increased,the stone cell mass increased more after drip irrigation,and the density of stone cells was smaller.However,the diameter of stone cells in the skin increased less after flood irrigation treatment,but the density of stone cells was larger,and the peel of Fragrant Pear treated with drip irrigation was thinner than that of furrow irrigation and flood irrigation treatment.Among the effects on leaf water content,the leaf water content of the drip irrigation treatment was higher,and the leaf water content of the diffuse irrigation treatment was the lowest.The comprehensive ranking of membership function showed that drip irrigation treatment after the full flowering stage,the young fruit development stage and the fruit expansion stage could make the peel smoother,with lower density and diameter of stone cells,and a more neat arrangement of parenchyma cells between the clusters.
keywords:Fragrant pear  Irrigation period  Irrigation method  Pericarp development
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主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部 主办单位:西北农林科技大学,甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆农(林)业科学院,青海、新疆畜牧(兽医)科学院及新疆农垦科学院 地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号大铁10号信箱
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