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引用本文:肖 丽,王灵哲,张世旭,左开云,叶丽努尔·哈德勒,周 龙.结果母枝留芽量对‘琐琐’葡萄萌芽特性及花芽形态分化的影响[J].西北农业学报,2024,(11):2092~2100
摘要点击次数: 72
全文下载次数: 46
肖 丽,王灵哲,张世旭,左开云,叶丽努尔·哈德勒,周 龙 (新疆农业大学 园艺学院乌鲁木齐 830052) 
中文摘要:为了解结果母枝留芽量对‘琐琐’葡萄萌芽特性及花芽形态分化的影响,以10 a生‘琐琐’葡萄为材料,研究结果母枝不同留芽量对萌芽率、成枝率、结果枝率、结果系数和花序抽生节位的影响,同时利用石蜡切片法对其花芽形态分化进行观察分析。结果表明:‘琐琐’葡萄在留1~3芽的短梢下萌芽率和成枝率达最高为83.33%和63.70%,在留4~6芽中梢下的结果枝率最高为73.72%,结果系数在1.6~1.8,花序抽生节位主要在结果枝3~5节位,新梢冬芽从花芽分化开始(5月14日)到稳定形成花穗(8月1日-9月15日)历时76~120 d,历经未分化期、始分化期、花原始体发育期、花序第1穗轴发育期和花穗形成期5个时期。‘琐琐’葡萄在短梢和中梢下的萌芽率、结果枝率和结果系数高于长梢。因此,在吐鲁番地区休眠期修剪时应采用中短梢混合修剪方式,以便促进芽的萌发和获得优质高产的葡萄果实。
中文关键词:‘琐琐’葡萄  留芽量  萌芽特性  花芽分化
Effect of Bud Numbers on Germination Characteristics and Flower Bud Morphological Differentiation in Vitis vinifera ‘Suosuo’
Abstract:To understand the effect of bud numbers of bearing shoot on germination characteristics and flower bud morphological differentiation in Vitis vinifera ‘Suosuo’,10-year-old ‘Suosuo’ grapevines were used as experimental material.This study examined the effect of different bud numbers on germination rate,branching rate,fruiting rate,fruiting coefficient and the posistion of inflorescence sprouting node in fruiting branches,and flower bud morphological differentiation was observed and compared by paraffin section method.The results showed that the germination rate and branching rate reached their highest values of 83.33% and 63.70%,respectively,when using short shoots with 1-3 buds.The maximum fruiting rate (73.72%) was observed with medium shoots containing 4-6 buds,and the fruiting coefficient ranged from 1.6 to 1.8.The inflorescence emerged from nodes 3-5 on the fruiting branches.Flower bud differentiation began on May 14 and continued until flower clusters stabilized between August 1 and September 15,a period lasting 76 to 120 days.The process encompassed five periods:undifferentiated stage,beginning of differentiation,flower anlagen development,formation of main cob of inflorescence and formation of flower cluster stage.Overall,the germination rate,fruiting rate and fruiting coefficient were higher for short and medium shoots compared to long shoots.Therefore,a mixed pruning strategy combining short and medium shoots is recommended for ‘Suosuo’ grapes in Turpan region,as it promotes the germination of buds and obtains high-quality and abundant grape berries.
keywords:Vitis vinifera ‘Suosuo’  Buds number  Germination characteristics  Flower bud differentiation
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主管单位:中华人民共和国教育部 主办单位:西北农林科技大学,甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆农(林)业科学院,青海、新疆畜牧(兽医)科学院及新疆农垦科学院 地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号大铁10号信箱
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