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引用本文:李亚鹏,李 蓉,刘丽君,武军艳,范婷婷,蒲媛媛,马 骊,王旺田,马伟明,宋小佳,张天宇,杨 刚,孙万仓.芥菜型油菜叶片刺毛与抗旱性的关系[J].西北农业学报,2025,(2):200~210
摘要点击次数: 69
全文下载次数: 54
李亚鹏,李 蓉,刘丽君,武军艳,范婷婷,蒲媛媛,马 骊,王旺田2,马伟明,宋小佳,张天宇,杨 刚,孙万仓 (1.甘肃农业大学 农学院/干旱生境作物国家重点实验室兰州 730070 2.甘肃农业大学 生命科学技术学院兰州 730070) 
中文关键词:芥菜型油菜  干旱胁迫  叶片刺毛  抗旱性
Relationship between Leaf Prickles and Drought Resistance in Brassica juncea
Abstract:This study investigates the relationship between the leaf prickles and drought tolerance in Brassica juncea.The experiment used red leaf juncea with prickles and Shaanxi winter juncea without prickles as materials.A water-controlled potting method was used to comprehensively analyze plant phenotypes,photosynthetic exchange parameters,osmotic regulating substances,chlorophyll content,antioxidant enzyme activities,chlorophyll fluorescence,and leaf stomata under varying drought stress treatments.The results showed that drought tolerance indexes differed between the two-leaf structures of oilseed rape as drought stress intensified.The degree of wilting,the relative water content,chlorophyll content,number of leaf stomata,gas exchange parameter,and chlorophyll fluorescence all decreased.The photosynthetic system of Shaanxi winter juncea was less affected than that of red leaf juncea.Malondialdehyde (MDA),proline (Pro),superoxide dismutase (SOD),peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) all exhibited an increasing trend.The activities of SOD,POD and CAT of Shaanxi winter juncea were significantly higher than those in red leaf juncea,and were 1.06,1.39 and 1.38 times higher than those of the pre-stress period under drought,respectively.Correlation analysis showed a close relationship between drought resistance and leaf prickles,indicating that Shaanxi winter juncea with leaf prickles exhibited greater drought resistance than red leaf juncea without them.In conclusion,Brassica juncea responds to drought stress through various mechanisms,including plant phenotype,photosynthetic exchange parameters,osmotic regulating substances,chlorophyll content,and antioxidant enzyme activities.
keywords:Brassica juncea  Drought stress  Leaf prickles  Drought resistance
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