蚕豆种质资源芽期耐盐碱性鉴定评价及耐盐碱种质筛选 |
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引用本文:彭小星,范惠玲,滕长才,武学霞,侯万伟,周仙莉,张红岩,刘玉皎.蚕豆种质资源芽期耐盐碱性鉴定评价及耐盐碱种质筛选[J].西北农业学报,2025,(2):222~231 |
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摘要点击次数: 50 |
全文下载次数: 26 |
基金项目:财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(食用豆,CARS-08);国家自然科学基金(42267008);青藏高原种质资源研究与利用实验室开放课题(2022-ZJ-Y01)。 |
中文摘要:为评估蚕豆种质资源的盐碱耐受性并筛选出具有耐盐碱特性的蚕豆种质,采用混合盐碱溶液(4.5 g·L-1的NaCl、Na2CO3和Na2SO4,比例为9∶1∶1, pH=9.2),对322份蚕豆核心种质进行芽期胁迫实验,测定发芽势、发芽率、根长、芽长、根鲜质量、芽鲜质量、根干质量和芽干质量8个芽期指标,基于隶属函数对其进行盐碱耐受性的综合评估和筛选。结果表明,盐碱复合胁迫对这8个指标都产生抑制作用。在盐碱胁迫下,这些指标之间均表现为显著相关性。主成分将8个指标转化为2个主成分,累积贡献率达到了 68.83%。结合隶属函数分析和聚类分析,322份蚕豆资源划分为5个等级,其中高盐碱耐受材料22份、盐碱耐受材料64份、中等盐碱耐受材料110份、盐碱敏感材料65份和盐碱极度敏感材料61份。综上,发芽率可以作为筛选芽期蚕豆盐碱耐受性的首选指标,其次是根干质量、芽干质量和发芽势,筛选出22份具有较高盐碱耐受性的蚕豆材料,可为蚕豆耐复合盐碱育种及相关基因挖掘提供优异资源。 |
中文关键词:蚕豆 盐碱胁迫 隶属函数 |
Identification and Evaluation of Salt-alkali Tolerance of Faba Bean Germplasm Resources at Germination Stage and Selection of Salt-alkali Tolerant Germplasm |
Abstract:To evaluate the salt-alkali tolerance at germination stage of Faba Bean germplasm resources and screen materials with high salt-alkali tolerance, saline-alkali stress at the germination stage was conducted on 322 core germplasm using a mixed saline-alkali solution (4.5 g·L-1 NaCl, Na2CO234, and Na2SO234 in a ratio of 9∶1∶1, pH=9.2) and measured eight germination stage traits, including germination vigor, germination rate, root length, shoot length, root fresh mass, shoot fresh mass, root dry mass, and shoot dry mass. The salt-alkali tolerance of germplasm was identified and evaluated by membership function analysis. The results showed that mixed salt-alkali stress had an inhibitory effect on eight indicators.There was a significant correlation among eight indicators. The eight indicators were transformed into two principal components by principal component analysis, with a cumulative contribution rate of 68.83%. Through a combination of membership function analysis and cluster analysis, the 322 Faba Bean resources were divided into five levels, including 22 high salt-alkali tolerant materials, 64 salt-alkali tolerant materials, 110 moderate salt-alkali tolerant materials, 65 salt-alkali sensitive materials, and 61 salt-alkali extremely sensitive materials. In conclusion, germination rate can be used as the preferred indicator for evaluating salt-alkali tolerance of faba bean at the germination stage, followed by root dry mass, shoot dry mass, and germination vigor. 22 germplasm with high salt-alkali tolerance were screened out, providing superior materials for salt-alkali tolerance breeding of Faba Bean and related gene mining. |
keywords:Vicia faba L. Salt-alkali stress Membership function |
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