陆地棉种质资源抗黄萎病性状的SSR标记关联分析 |
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引用本文:王 娟,郑志鸿,马晓梅,周小凤,王 新,田 琴,艾尼江,陈 红,董承光.陆地棉种质资源抗黄萎病性状的SSR标记关联分析[J].西北农业学报,2025,(2):243~249 |
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基金项目:兵团科技创新人才计划(2022CB003-04);第六师五家渠市科技计划(2205);第八师重点领域科技攻关计划(2023NY10)。 |
中文摘要:对棉花抗黄萎病性状进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),发掘与其关联的标记位点、优异等位变异及典型材料,可为棉花抗黄萎病的分子育种提供理论依据。以403份陆地棉品种(系)资源为材料,利用覆盖全基因组的、有多态性的201对SSR标记,对3个环境的抗黄萎病性状进行基于混合线性模型(mixed linear model,MLM)的全基因组关联分析,检测与抗病性状显著关联的位点、优异等位变异及优异典型材料。结果表明,3个环境下各材料的相对病指平均值为53.45,平均变异系数为 36.85%,平均偏度系数为-0.46,平均峰度系数为-0.31;201对引物共产生394个等位变异位点,GWAS结果表明有11个位点能同时在2个环境中检测到,其中有2个位点NAU2437b和NAU3493b能同时在3个环境中检测到;结合育种实际,发掘出含有优异等位变异的典型材料7份,其中鲁棉研28同时含有9个优异等位变异;从各材料不同生态区来源分析,来源于黄河流域棉区的材料具有较低的平均表型效应。 |
中文关键词:陆地棉 黄萎病 关联分析 优异等位基因 |
Association Analysis of SSR Markers with Verticillium Wilt Resistance Traits in Upland Cotton |
Abstract:A genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to identify marker loci,elite alleles and typical accessions associated with Verticillium wilt resistance in upland cotton.These findings provide a theoretical basis for molecular breeding to enhance disease resistance.In this study,403 upland cotton lines were analyzed using 201 pairs of polymorphic SSR markers covering the whole genome.A mixed linear model (MLM) was applied to three environmental datasets.The average Verticillium wilt disease index was 53.45,with an average coefficient of variation of 36.85%,skewness of -0.46,and kurtosis of -0.31.A total of 394 allelic variation loci were detected,among which 11 loci were consistently identified in two environments,and two loci (NAU2437b and NAU3493b) were identified in all three environments.Seven typical accessions containing elite alleles were discovered, among which Luxianyan 28 contained nine elite alleles.Materials from the Yellow River Region exhibited lower average phenotypic effects,indicating potential for targeted breeding in this area. |
keywords:Upland cotton Verticillium wilt SSR association analysis Elite allele |
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