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引用本文:张湑泽,王雪韧,杜 萌,哈金强,王 启,沈迎芳,杨鑫光.青海干旱盐碱地区不同生境土壤微生物多样性分析[J].西北农业学报,2025,(2):309~318
摘要点击次数: 53
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张湑泽,王雪韧,杜 萌,哈金强,王 启,沈迎芳,杨鑫光 (1.青海民族大学 生态环境与资源学院西宁 810007
西宁 8100073.青海省特色经济植物高值化利用重点实验室西宁 8100074.内蒙古农业大学 资源与环境学院呼和浩特 010018) 
中文关键词:土壤微生物  群落  多样性  理化性质
Analysis of Soil Microbial Diversity in Different Habitats inan Arid,Saline-alkali Area of Qinghai Province
Abstract:To explore the relationship between soil microbial community diversity and soil physical and chemical properties across different habitats,samples were collected from cultivated soil,non-cultivated soil,desert soil,and saline-alkali soil.The physical and chemical properties of these soil samples were measured.For the analysis of microbial community composition and diversity,the Illumina MisEQ platform was used for 16S amplicon sequencing.The relationship between soil flora and soil physical and chemical properties was also analyzed.The results showed that the order of microbial community diversity was cultivated soil > saline-alkali soil > non-cultivated soil > desert soil .The composition and abundance of the dominant bacterial groups (phyla and genera) varied among the different regions.The dominant bacteria in the cultivated soils were Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Actinobacteria,and Blastomonas.The abundance of Bacillus monophyta in non-cultivated soil was lower than that in cultivated soil,whereas the abundances of Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria were higher.The dominant bacterial phyla in desert and saline soils were Proteobacteria,Bacteroidetes,Actinobacteria,and Firmicutes.The abundance of Firmicutes was higher in saline soil than in desert soil,whereas the opposite was true for the abundance of Actinobacteria.Sphingomonas was the most dominant genus in cultivated soils,whereas Halomonas was the most dominant genus in non-cultivated,desert,and saline soils.The correlation analysis between physical and chemical factors and soil microbial community showed that electrical conductivity and water-soluble salt content were significantly positively correlated with microbial community diversity (P<0.01),whereas organic carbon content was not significantly correlated with bacterial community diversity.These results indicate that electrical conductivity and water-soluble salt content are the main factors affecting soil microbial community diversity.
keywords:Soil microbe  Community  Diversity  Physical and chemical properties
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